Storefront Move to Waukon
I am so excited to share this news!
I am relocating my storefront, Broker Leather, from downtown to Decorah, Iowa to Waukon, Iowa. I've sent emails, made social media posts, and talked with SO MANY of you on the street about how this move feels SO RIGHT for my family and I. Waukon is my hometown, and it will forever hold my small-town heart. An opportunity to rent a beautiful building right next to our county's ONE stoplight came available, and I just couldn't pass it up. I'll save nearly an hour of drive time everyday, allowing me an extra hour of accomplishments!
Our last day open to the public downtown Decorah will be Thursday, October 13th.
We have just a handful of in-store pickups that remain on our shelves, please email Brianne at to make arrangements to pick up your order if you are unable to make it in during normal business ours.
Please join us for our RE-GRAND OPENING at 5 E Main St, Waukon, IA 52172 on Wednesday, November 2nd from 10 am - 5 pm!
A few frequently asked questions about our move:
What will your hours be?
Our new hours will be very similar to what we have now. The most accurate place to find our new business hours for our Waukon storefront will be in the bottom right hand corner of our website. See the section with the turquoise background.
What will you sell?
Our product assortment will not change significantly due to our location move. Our core customers will remain the same, so we'll still focus on offering quality boots and leather goods that are unique and trendy, well-made, and functional. We will dabble slightly in specific collections of high-end western clothing, but our main focus will always be boots. New arrivals arrive almost daily, so the BEST way for you to get the best selection is to shop in-store. Products are almost always available in store for a week or so before they are photographed and uploaded to our website's NEW ARRIVALS tab.
- Are you hiring? I'm not hiring quite yet, but you never know what is next to come in retail. If you are interested in joining the Broker Leather Herd, please email your resume to
Thank you for all of your well wishes during these VERY busy weeks to come! If you know me, you know that I'm an open book, so feel free to shoot me an email if your curiosity is getting the best of you! ;)

This will be our 3rd location. 3rd times the charm?! I think SO!
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