Broker Leather Turns THREE!
Leather represents the third anniversary of an event. Does that make this year our Golden Anniversary? I think yes. Three years of business because you and leather go better together!
My heart belongs to the Western Lifestyle. Naturally, as a horse and cattle crazed gal in her early 20's I knew immediately that Broker Leather was going to speak to my soul.

[Back when the store was closet sized and we used every inch of space for inventory - see the mirror/purse display. Wink, wink.]
Three years ago, I sent Brianne a message expressing interest in working at Broker Leather. She asked me to come in and meet with her, so I did. I sat on a trash can [a cute wooden one mind you] and she sat on a ladder in the middle of what felt like a glorified closet. There were boots on the shelves, on the floor, in their boxes, and we were surrounded by the buzz of "the doors open in two days" anxiety. She hired me on part-time that day and every day since has been one heck of a rodeo.

[This one time that Brianne and I went to the bar...]
I have been with her and Broker Leather as a full-time employee for two years now. I have been here to see the highs and lows of small businesses. I have been here to tag and unbox new merchandise at noon and at midnight, smile [and gag] in photoshoots, write thank you cards, create product descriptions, and meet our wonderful customers. I have been present for a showroom expansion, a court case, and a pandemic. Most of all I have been given the chance to grow and learn here in this western industry. I owe those opportunities to Brianne, but I also owe our Broker Leather customers some well-earned credit. Without each and every person that has walked through our doors [and/or shopped online with us] this business wouldn't be what it is. We wouldn't be able to keep high quality, genuine leather products on our shelves and at the tips of your fingers. Quite frankly, I wouldn't have a job without YOU.

[Proof of the gagging via second day hangover. How embarrassing, yikes.]
Making y'all happy makes me happy. Putting value in the products that we carry puts value in your closets and on your feet. I have been able to help people feel special, beautiful, and important for THREE YEARS. That makes my heart so happy and I cannot express enough gratitude to y'all for giving me the chance to help you find your "sole-mate." You are the fuel to this fire, the spur to this bucking horse, and the Yee to my Haw.

[This is from our first professional photoshoot with Rachel, we still cheers at every shoot we do as a herd.]
THANK YOU. Thank you for being here to laugh with us, to celebrate with us, to drink beers with us, and to wear western kicks with us. I can't wait to see how our pasture expands in the future and I can't wait to keep grazing with you while we only look down to admire our boots. Cheers to three years, Herd.
xoxo, Marley

ps. I hope y'all enjoyed these time capsule photos & our glow up. LOL
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