What is Pink Friday?

🦩 Are you still confused about all my "Pink Friday" Posts? 🦩

Pink Friday is a celebration for customers recognizing the importance of shopping with SMALL LOCAL BUSINESSES first. 💖 Here at Broker Leather, we'll have some fun things going on, you won't want to miss them, I promise! So there's no need for you to wait for BF specials. 😉

Pink Friday is a movement for small businesses like me to celebrate how far we've come in a tough retail world of big box stores. I am living out my dream every single day, and many days I don't feel like this life I've created is real. I can honestly say there's never been a day that I dreaded going to work since I started this boutique just over four years ago. Contrary to popular belief, small business ownership is far from easy.


A small business owner will work tirelessly for weeks on end with nothing to show for it, hoping and praying that their hard work pays off in the long run. We sometimes struggle with hiring responsible employees who have the motivation to earn the paycheck. Oftentimes we struggle with the delegation of duties because our small business is "our baby." Small business owners are required to master every field including buying, marketing, money management, tech, warehouse management, and so many more.


Each time I see a fellow small business owner juggling between her roles: CEO, wife, girlfriend, momma, student, etc.... my heart aches a little and I vow to "VOTE FOR HER" with my hard-earned dollars. There's nothing that feels better as a small business owner is feeling that trust from your customers and that little pat on the back when they recognize your efforts and place an order. "You pat my back and I pat yours" is an age-old saying but it absolutely rings true in this beautiful boutique world that I choose to live in. 💕

Cheers to all small businesses doing all they can to make it in today's world. 🥂


To shop with other small businesses like mine, I highly suggest you check out: https://shopthebestboutiques.com/


XOXO ~Brianne

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