Months have passed since I've posted a blog post. I have no excuse to serve up, other than I've thoroughly been enjoying becoming a better wife and parent, and not divulging all of my time into my business, like I made the mistake of doing my first 4 years of business. Can you believe we'll be turning 5 in a couple of weeks?! What a a journey it's been.
Of course, the increased dedication of time to wife-ing and mom-ing that I've mentioned, has come at a cost. My social media presence has dwindled. My blogging has fallen off the cliff. And most of my products lack creative descriptions that I once was frantic about writing in a timely manner before publishing new products on my website.
One might be bold enough to say we've become a little less edgy around here, maybe a little more relaxed. But I'm sitting in my office pondering, "Does it matter? At the end of the day, does it really matter that I'm no longer such a badass in my business- if I'm now a better wife and mom?"

Earlier today I was sifting through products to decide what I might reorder and what could be deleted, and I came across this "old" bracelet description that had been written by Marley years ago. With more huge changes about to happen around here, I felt like I did not come across these wise words by happenstance.
As previously seen on our website as a description for a sold out accessory:
It has been said that if we all took our problems and tossed them into a pile, we would want to take all of our own problems back.
While many of us have struggled, the hardest situations often feel like we are climbing a mountain. While after we make it to the top and the sweat has dried we come to discover that it was only a grain of sand in this hourglass of life. My best advice for those who are struggling is to keep climbing. It may seem impossible, it may seem like the hardest thing you have ever had to do, but you know what? You can do it, you can make it. I believe in you, even when you think that no one could ever believe in you, I do. Someone, many someones do.
Never be afraid to talk to someone, anyone, about your struggles. Make a friend and be a friend, because friends like you and friends like mine are hard to find. It is okay to not be okay, but do not think for one second that you are alone. Face your struggles, face your demons and be strong, stay true to your journey because someday everything will be okay, and on that day every battle will be worth the fight.
Accessories can often be a reminder of those wonderful friends, this
[SOLD OUT BRACELET] features genuine turquoise, just like your friendship, genuine.
So go ahead and buy two, gift one to your friend that needs a reminder of how amazing they are and wear the other yourself to remind you of your own worth. Best friends have the best jewelry, after all.
A note from Brianne: Thank you all for being the friend that we've all needed at some point or another in life. I'm grateful that you've allowed me to take a step back from all of these things store-related to become a better person at home. I've made the mistakes, but I've also tried and refused to give up. Please know that I appreciate you being here and cheering us on in all aspects of life~ business and personal.
To shop the NEWEST ARRIVALS at Broker Leather, click here.

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