Comfort Zones
Remember my former employee, Marley? Well, last week she shared this blog post, and I felt like it was incredibly motivating. I quickly text her and asked her if I could share it with you all. Enjoy the short read and make sure to share a comment with Marley at the end! ;)
When someone asks me, “Where will you be in five years?” I still don’t have a good answer. I never would have thought, “Chasing horizon lines and eating alone in restaurants.” would suffice as an answer. Yet, here I am. Being alone a few hundred miles from home, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, and in unknown territory is scary. Staying in haunted hotels on accident and eating pancakes at midnight in Perkins as a table for one never crossed my goal sheet as a child. I would have checked those off the list this week if that was the case.

The single piece of this new career that was INSIDE my comfort zone was the product. I know Corral Boots. I have worn them for years, and I helped customers fall in love with them over and over again. The rest of the gig, shoot. What’s a comfort zone? Each time I step out the door to hit the road I have to remind myself, “This is an opportunity for growth.”

Every baby step outside your comfort zone will promote your ability to grow. Do the scary things. Do the hard things. Cry. Call your friends. Hug your mom. Maybe it’s little or maybe it’s big, just grow. Success without failure is just dumb luck. So, if you needed a push here it is. Get your coaching license, go back to school, apply for a new job, drive to a new town by yourself, try a new restaurant, go on that date, wear the damn dress, do whatever it may be and step out of your comfort zone.

You, my dear, have SO. MUCH. ROOM. TO. GROW. 

xoxo, Marley Milligan, Written In Dirt
If you want to help a girl out, [ahem, Marley- our Corral Boots rep], Shop our entire Corral Collection Here.
Also follow along on Marley's new journey on her Instagram Page, Written In Dirt.
Wow Marley! So happy for you…The sky’s the limit, your strides have you on your way…
You’re such a naturalist with your beauty and abilities…
Keep wearing those boots with pride👢
My best to you always!
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